April 25, 2016


Red cherries - 1 can (425 gms)
Castor sugar - 175 gms
Cherry brandy - 2 tbsp
Egg whites - 2


  • Drain the cherries ad make the juice up to 600 m with water.
  • Put the liquid and sugar into a heavy based saucepan.
  • Heat gently until the sugar has dissolved. 
  • Increase the heat and cook rapidly until the thread stage is reached. Allow to cool.
  • Stone the cherries and liquidize or sieve them to a puree.
  • Stir the puree into the cold syrup and add the cherry brandy.
  • Pour the mixture into a freezer container and, stirring occasionally, freeze for about  1 1/2 hours until mushy.
  • Beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks and fold into the cherry mixture.
  • Cover, seal and freeze.

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